A Forest Photo Shoot - My Daughter Sarah

This is the story of a young beauty, of vulnerability, of a delicate, yet strong soul. Her name is Sarah and she’s my 20 year old daughter.

Behind the scenes, Sarah holds many roles. Among other things, she’s a daughter, a sister, a friend, a talented college student of voice and piano, a teacher, a model, and a most trusty photo assistant to myself and others. I often ask her “what will I do when you move away and can no longer be my number one assistant?” She replies, “I’ll make the time to help you out”.

She’s of such value to me, both in my work and in my heart. Wise beyond her years, she offers an empathetic ear to many, myself included.

Like many her age, she’s suffered from anxiety over the years, vulnerable to today’s challenging societal elements. This anxiety has only served to further strengthen her as she’s worked hard to accept those feelings and work through them on a daily basis.

While still journeying through such feelings, she’s come to a point of understanding with her very soul that this is part of what makes her who she is now.

She’s obviously been blessed with a physical beauty (good genes? Haha)

and an inner beauty that goes deep.

The woods that she stands among in these pictures match her very nature: calm, quiet and stoic at first glance, with lots going on underneath the soil and in the busy-ness in the undergrowth. I continue to watch her journey through the ups and downs that life brings, and am ever grateful for her role in our lives, for the love she brings to our hearts.


Anatomy of a River Shoot: A Short Story